середа, 7 лютого 2024 р.

Super health tips from super Yasa💋🫀

By Yaryna Sikalova🫁

 hello my dear health rodents. From the title of my blog, you could see that today we will talk about health. Shall we begin?

See the skeleton? In order not to be like him, I advise you ... no, no. You SHOULD run 5 times a week eat 5 times a day... Stop stop stop. Let's start from the beginning

Let's start with the easy one. Food. You should eat proteins and vitamins. The "plate rule" will help you with this. What is the "plate rule?" You ask me. This is when you divide the plate into three sectors. in the first sector you should have a salad. In the second sector, meat, and in the third sector, buckwheat, oatmeal, any kind of porridge.

The food was a little sorted out. Let's move on to the body. If you want to keep your body in shape, to begin with you should do exercises every morning (exercises attached below) You won't be able to run the first time, so you have to prepare your body for loads and only then run. We start running for 5 minutes and each time we run more and more time. If it's hard for you, remember that skeleton ;3 First of all, you do it for yourself and not for someone else. Stay healthy and enjoy your classes. Subscribe, like and write comments. Everyone is healthy 💋



2 коментарі:

Good healthy

What you need to do to be healthy: 1). Exercise; 2). Eat right; 3). Walk in the fresh air more often; 4). Do not abuse alcohol and smoking; ...