Healthy Bodies
вівторок, 13 лютого 2024 р.
Good healthy
Keep Healthy
By D. Kokovina
понеділок, 12 лютого 2024 р.
Yoga in our life
Earlier people were more active than now, and they didn't have problems like pain in the back or knee|:
But this problem is very popular among people now .
We are also affected by how we sit - that is, our sitting posture:
So,you should do yoga or any other sports just to have no health problems in the future.
Yoga helps to build strength and fitness.This is a good activity for those who like to relax.
This talk is about all of us, so think about it😊
by Alina Kardash
Healthy bodies
неділя, 11 лютого 2024 р.
healthy bodies
💗 Healthy bodies by Sukach Polina💗
I believe that, first of all, you need your own constant and significant efforts, which cannot be replaced by anything. About 2 years ago, I subscribed to a channel with health tips.. I am very glad that now, following them every day, I became in very good shape and got sick less. and I think you should see them too!
As I believe, four conditions are equally necessary for health:
• physical activity,
• dietary restrictions,
• hardening,
• time and ability to rest.
These are all exercises that I have been doing for over 2 years now, and they have helped me a lot to keep fit and healthy!💪
середа, 7 лютого 2024 р.
Hello. I will give you health tips 1) drink water 2) do sports 3) eat healthy food 4) don't eat bad food.
By Tsyhanok Sophia 😘
Good healthy
What you need to do to be healthy: 1). Exercise; 2). Eat right; 3). Walk in the fresh air more often; 4). Do not abuse alcohol and smoking; ...
Hi, guys! 🥰 There are a lot of health problems today. 🤯🤧🤒🤕🤮😷 But we are here to share interesting and useful tips how to stay save a...
By V.Kalish 1. Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to pr...
Yoga in our life Earlier people were more active than now, and they didn't have proble...